Channel: SQL Server DBA
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Find LOB tables with no PRIMARY KEY

Question: How can I find and report on SQL Server tables with LOB columns but where the table has no PRIMARY KEY?   I'm classing an LOB column as 'TEXT', 'NTEXT','IMAGE' ,'XML',...

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How to find UDT on SQL Server columns?

Question: I want to find SQL Server table columns which are using user-defined types  . I also want to find SQL Server columns  in which the nulability at the column level is different from the...

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How to find all tables with primary key SQL Server

Question: How can I find tables in a SQL Server database that have a Primary Key ? Answer: To identify if a table has a Primary Key - you can use the OBJECTPROPERTY method with the property...

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How do I find hidden files taking up space?

Question: I'm attempting to drop a drive on Windows 2016 but seeing space used . I've checked the drives but there are no files in the drive. I also checked "Hidden items" and no files appear . How can...

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Taking transaction log backup and full back at the same time

Question: Is it possible to take a SQL Server database transaction log backup and full backup at the same time ? Are there any conflicts ?Answer: Yes , taking a transaction log backup and a  full back...

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sqlserver-dba.com switching from feedburner to follow.it

Following changes in the feedburner service , sqlserver-dba.com is changing the rss feed and email notification subscription service to follow.it Email  notification subscribers - We've moved your...

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Sql certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted

Question: I'm getting this error when connecting Microsoft OLE DB Driver 19 for SQL Server &  Microsoft ODBC Driver 18.x for SQL Server.The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not...

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